OOC Stuff


Need help with something? Learn who is on staff and what they are responsible for.  


Experienced players and STs will often use strange words that others just seem to know and understand. If you see something weird check this list. If you don't see it on the list, let an ST know.


Downtimes? I have homework? Not exactly. Downtimes are just a means to let the STs know in an official capacity things you want your character to work on behind the scenes. 

Learn what filling out Downtimes can do for you.

OOC Rules

Before you begin role playing and posting on irc, please take a moment to read through the rules and character guidelines of the site. As a member, you are responsible to know and follow these rules - refer back this section if you have any questions. While we are a friendly group, repeated offenses or intentional rule breaking may result in disciplinary action!

How to Find Us

How to find us on IRC and Discord