
What is Downtime?

Downtime is when your Character has some free time to do activites and things that they are wanting to get done. During this time Players can send in a Downtime action to the STs so that it is known what their character is doing and to perhaps gain some information that they may be seeking out.  This can be a good way to request a scene with an NPC as well if there is one that is needed. There are many different parts to a Characters Downtime, it could be that your Character is going somewhere, teaching knowledge to a student, stealing weapons or a car, researching a long forgotten item, and so forth.

When filling out your downtime report, please be sure to give as much detail as possible in your actions. This will be how STs provide back information to the players.

If you do not submit a downtime, we will assume that your character stays within their home territory, spends enough time feeding and is not doing anything that requires ST notifications.

Please send all downtime actions through the Downtime Form. Downtimes may be submitted once a month, or sooner if in game events have inspired your character to alter their habits or investigate new avenues.

Downtimes are not required to earn or spend xp, but they may open new doors to earn bonus xp or learn skills with a discount.


Here are some examples of what a Downtime could include:

Crafting or Building - Your Character could design, build, repair an item or piece of equipment. You may have gained inspiration from somewhere, and you felt an urge to create or repair something that is broken. A character that wants to perform this sort of action would need the correct Skill to do this, Crafts for example.

Feeding - If you are specifically trying to gain resonance, trying to do an action with your feeding, or killing your taget it should be stated clearly.

Investigation - If you decide to look into it further, you may just find out a nice little secret or some forgotten evidence... When performing these sorts of actions the STs will look into what you are doing, how you are doing it and provide either information directly that you find or will opt to run a scene with you. Please be sure to be clear on all details that may be important including any disciplines being used, how you are going about the action and so forth.

Patrolling - You could be helping to protect an area, watching for specific individuals or events.

Learning Disciplines -  This is a great use of a downtime. Allowing the STs to know what your character is currently working.

Earning New Advantages -  Gaining new Advantages often require downtime actions that may require ST interactions, such as increasing your influence or securing a new Retainer with a particular skill set.