How to Find Us


Future Uncertain is played online through a program IRC. There are a few ways that this can be accessed and used through a computer, mobile or tablet. 

Here are some instructions for each, we will start with the web/mobile option first. Many find this the easiest and fastest way to get set up onto IRC. The first step here is to have an account setup and to log in. You will need to confirm your email to access the correct server for our rooms. Once you have that you will want to put in the following information into the screen that you are looking at. You will need to type in the Hostname manually.


Once this information is placed into the correct fields, you will be able to connect and join in the main room!

Alright the other option is through a computer program called mIRC. It is free to download at the link above. Once you download it you can open it right away. You will want to click File, then select server. You will then see the following pop up and will want to select DarkMyst as your server.


Fill in a nickname for yourself and press OK. Then you can press the little lightening bolt to connect and it will run everything from there. When asked what room you want to join, type in #drynwas. This will bring you to our main room.



We have a discord server that can be accessed as well, it is mainly used for voice conversations and other hobbies. All game related actions are done through IRC where there can be a log kept of all actions, ST decisions and player interactions. As the discord link is set to expire after a certain amount of days, please reach out in the main room for the link and we will send it your way.