
Staff List

Myzhari (Shan) - ST, IRC  Op, Character Approvals, Character Creation Guide, Rules, XP Tracking, Website
Jeanne - ST, Sabbat, Character Approvals, Character Creation Guide, Rules, Website
TentacleBeast (Jose) - ST 
Kimberly (Mira) - ST, XP Tracking, Website
Tazuhi (Arrna) - IRC Op


ST (Storyteller) - STs may run plot night or private/semi-private scenes for players to advance story.
IRC Op - Will enforce the rules in irc and on discord, issuing kicks and bans as required. 
Character Approvals - May review and approve character submissions for play.
Character Creation Guide- Can assist players in putting their concept into sheeted form.
Rules Help - Will answer questions about game mechanics and assist with dice rolls.
XP Traking - Keeps track of monthly xp earnings as well as expenditures.
Website - Helps maintain the information on the website. 
Sabbat - Manages the designs and interactions with the Sabbat Antagonists

* Anyone on staff is available should you have concerns or experiences with harassment or you feel uncomfortable about a scene. Please reach out to whomever is listed above that you feel comfortable speaking with and it will be addressed.