Dice are more likely during plot nights, but not everything will be a roll. If it is something your character is really good at the ST might rule it as an Automatic Win. Dice will be used more frequently when there is randomness involved, it is something your character is not very good at, it is likely for your hunger to be a distraction, and of course for combat. Dice might also be used to represent "degrees of success" where additional information or success could be more rewarding than a simple yes or no result.
Dice Pool: How many dice you are rolling. This might be two status such as an Attribute + Ability, or it may be the current value of a Tracker such as willpower. Modifiers might affect your dice pool such as specialties, merits, flaws, having access to tools, or being impaired to name a few. (See Dice Pools for further details)
Successes: Any die result 6 or higher is a success for any and all tests.
Difficulty: The number of successes required to pass a test. Example: if a difficulty is set for 2, this means you need at least 2 die to roll a 6 or higher to succeed at the test.
Threshold: Rolling enough successes to match the Difficulty. Some types of rolls have additional advantages for any successes over Threshold.
1s: Rolling a 1 no longer cancels a success. The only time 1s matter is if you got no successes (see Botch) or you did not get enough successes to meet Threshold and rolled a 1 on a Hunger Die (see Bestial Failure)
How to Roll in IRC
All dice rolls will happen in the channel #FU_Dice or the results will not be considered official. To make a roll, calculate your dice pool and type the following: `roll #d10
In the above example, if the character was at 2 hunger, then the last two 8's would be considered the hunger dice. Because there are a pair of 10s, the result of that roll is 6 successes.
Automatic Wins
There are times an ST may rule you do not need to roll for things your character is exceptionally good. A dice pool (with modifiers) should be at least twice the difficulty to be considered for an Automatic Win. The action must be outside of combat, no distractions, and two or less hunger. STs do not have sheets memorized so you may always ask tell an ST your dice pool and ask if an auto win is possible in this situation if you prefer. Please respect the ST's call. There may be other reasons they want you to make the roll.
Hunger Dice
The Beast is represented by your Hunger Dice. For each level of Hunger currently affecting your character, one of your dice from your dice pool will be replaced with a Hunger Die. When rolling in irc, it will be assumed the last numbers rolled by the dice bot will be your Hunger Dice. For example, if you have three Hunger, the last three numbers in your dice result will be your Hunger dice. For the most part, Hunger Dice function as regular dice but there are a few exceptions. Hunger Dice may never be rerolled using Willpower (see below). Additionally 1s and 10s rolled on Hunger Dice may have additional consequences. See Messy Criticals and Bestial Failures below.,
Hunger dice are never included in Rouse checks, or in Willpower or Humanity dice pools.
Critical Success
Whenever you roll a pair of 10s, they count as two successes each for a total of FOUR successes! As long as you rolled enough successes to beat the Difficulty Threshold, this becomes a Critical Success. Generally this translates into doing something better, faster, or doing it with style. The ST might ask for your input in how you would like it to play out, or they may simply reward you with an unexpected bonus.
Messy Critical
What is a messy critical? It is when you have rolled a critical success but one or more of your hunger dice land on a 10. (Meaning you have at least 1 pair of 10s with one of them on a hunger die.) The vampire succeeds like a normal critical win, but more like an animal or beast would. This means without much self-control or thought of what will happen after. Between the Storyteller and player they should decide on the level of success and how badly it has been messed up. The following are good examples:
- You can gain one or more Stains from the action.
- You could breach the Masquerade by doing something supernatural.
- You could lose one dot from an Advantage, like crashing your car, hurting a retainer, offending a contact or ally, or even lose Status from your actions.
- It could be simply a mess that will need to be cleaned up
- You do not roll Hunger dice on Willpower or Morality rolls so you can't get a messy critical on them.
[ House Rule ] If you did not roll ANY successes and rolled at least one 1, then you have botched the attempt. The ST and player should come up with something dramatically appropriate. Examples of a botch:
- Injuring yourself in the unsuccessful attempt.
- Damaging or losing a tool or weapon being used.
- Attracting unwanted attention.
- Anything listed under Bestial Failures if nothing above is thematically appropriate.
Bestial Failure
What is a Bestial Failure? It is when you roll a 1 on one or more Hunger dice and you did not get enough successes to meet the Difficulty Threshold.. This means that the vampire has failed because the Beast has come to the surface in some way. The following are some examples:
- Act out a Compulsion as your actions become more directed by the Beast or Blood.
- Lose an Advantage just like a messy critical.
- You could suffer one or more points of Aggravated damage from what happened. This could be from blood sweating through your pores from stress etc.
- Hunger could increase by one.
- A good reminder though is that if your roll succeeds, you can't get a bestial failure no matter how many 1s show up in the Hunger dice.
Willpower Reroll
So your roll was not as good as you hoped. Maybe you didn't get enough successes but this is really important or it's going to be a Bestial Failure. Maybe the result will be a Messy Critical but you have a 10 on a normal die. Good news! As long as you have Willpower left, you can spend a dot (mark the use as superficial willpower damage) and you may reroll up to THREE normal dice. (see Willpower for more information)
Remember you cannot reroll Hunger Dice, so be sure the results of your normal dice are what you wish to reroll. It will be assumed you are rerolling the lowest results. If you will to reroll a 10, please state so before rerolling. Be aware, you may only spend Willpower once on a dice roll. Also any roll that does not use Hunger Dice cannot be rerolled with Willpower.
You will have the option to reroll after knowing if you had enough successes to beat the Threshold but before hearing the results of how your roll plays out. If this is a contested roll, your opponent will also have the option to spend willpower after your reroll, if they haven't already.