Beliefs and Morality

Morality is a measure of just how in touch a vampire is with their specific brand of ethics, life lessons and experience, as well as their upbringing from before their embrace. These are the anchoring points which keep you holding on to your own brand of consciousness and help you to avoid degenerating into a mindless and soulless beast. It is often said that no man is ever truly evil. The understanding of this is that every person, whether viewed as good or evil, is someone with their own convictions, beliefs, ethics, and the lines which they simply will not cross. Even someone who has become comfortable with murder can be someone who operates and functions on a higher level with their social circle. Not everyone will agree with everyone else’s outlook on life, nor will people be universally in agreement with every different belief structure or self-centering moral paradigm. Without a set of moral tenets or rules which guide your un-life it becomes extremely easy to begin accepting the dark whispers of the beast in the back of your mind as increasingly normal until finally you have become the thing which you have dedicated yourself against ever becoming. Even a murderer can have a code, a thief with honor, a priest with sins, every person is different in how they view the world. Just keep in mind that no matter how you view society or those who choose to live by the status quo, there should always be some kind of justification for the way in which you choose to interact with society at large. Those justifications are often formed by the convictions you hold that guide your daily decisions.

[ HOUSE RULE ] * In the V5 books you will see this called Humanity, and in essence Morality is the same concept presented there. However this is different from the concept of Humanity in earlier editions so we have opted to change the name so there will be less confusion.



Convictions and Tenets build the backbone of your Morality. These replace the list of sins in earlier editions and become the code you live by that keeps the Beast on a tight leash. Breaking one of your Beliefs will lead to stains your Morality. 


Chronicle Tenets

Chronicle Tenets were chosen together by players and the Storyteller to represent the moral code of society in the game setting. This is how npcs will judge your actions whether your character personally holds these beliefs or not. Due to the wide and varied nature of character backgrounds, we have strived to choose Tenets that broadly apply to the majority of social groups your characters may be a part of. Even if you don't don't personally believe in the chronicle tenet, the weight of knowing everyone else is judging your actions will weigh on your subconscious. Only when breaking a Chronicle Tenet in pursuit of your Personal Convictions do you feel justified enough in your actions to dismiss their judgement.


  1. Bring no harm to a child. Be not the cause of a child's distress; physical, emotional, mental or otherwise. Do not abuse nor exploit their innocence. (This will apply to any who are presumed to be below the age of 18. Even vampires who look young, until it is known with certainty they are older than they appear.)

  2. Do not kill, save in self defense. Taking another life is wrong, but when your own is on the line no one can fault you for protecting yourself. (Remember Kindred do not have the same level of risks as mortals and other reasonable options should be explored, such as social/mental disciplines, before resorting to violence.)

  3. Keep our existence hidden from the kine. It may seem like common sense to some, but modern nights have become increasingly dangerous. With the coming of the Second Inquisition and new technology designed to pick us out of a crowd, we must all be on high alert to stay one step ahead. Only those truly lost to the beast act without consideration of their actions.


Personal Convictions


[ HOUSE RULE ] * For every 2 points of Morality your character will have 1 Personal Conviction and an associated Touchstone. As your character's morality degrades, they will stop caring about convictions they once held that no longer seem to be important. You choose one conviction to remove, most likely the one that caused your degradation in the first place. As you strive to deny the Beast further and live your un-life morally, you will chooses additional convictions to uphold as proof to yourself you are in control.


Convictions are part of your personal code that you feel prove you are still in control of the predatory beast lurking deep within. These could be based on religious teachings, a code of ethics, personal ideals, or even a vampiric path. No matter where your draw your code from, it should be something that denies the beast in some manner. They should be written in a way that you will always do, or never do something. As well, they should be easily definable whether or not you succeed or fail in the moment and not something that will reveal itself days, weeks or even years down the road. 

When thinking of convictions, consider what sort of circumstance could make you feel justified in violating a Chronicle Tenet. Chances are anything you feel that strongly about has roots in your convictions. Besides, violating a Tenet to uphold your Convictions will mitigate the stains you incur and may completely nullify them. This is how Convictions help you to win over the Beast even when everyone else thinks you have already become a monster.



Every Conviction must have an associated Touchstone. Someone or something that represents what you value and holds you accountable to those Convictions.

[ HOUSE RULE ] * Unlike the V5 Rulebook, Touchstones are not limited to living mortals but may also be ghouls, other vampires, and even objects providing they can be lost, damaged, or destroyed. Objects that are chosen should still represent someone or something, such as a bible representing a religious code or a gift from your sire that represents them or their teachings. It is entirely possible the source these objects represent could later fail to represent the convictions you held just as living mortal might. Touchstones are a strength as well as a vulnerability, whichever you choose.



When a character violates Tenets or Convictions, when they indulge the Beast in monstrously vampiric ways, or when their touchstones are endangered, stains may result. Stains will continue to build per violation until the end of the night or the end of a session at which point a Remorse test is made. 

Stains are marked on your morality tracker with a " / " in the empty boxes from right to left.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ [   ] [   ] [ / ] [ / ] (represents Morality 6 with 2 stains)

If a character accumulates more Stains than empty boxes on their Morality track, they become Impaired and suffer a two-dice penalty to all dice pools as they are overcome with regret.  Additionally take one point of Aggravated Willpower damage for each stain that will not fit in an empty box. While in this state a character cannot intentionally violate another tenet nor conviction and if forced they must test for Frenzy at a difficulty of 4. This state will last until Remorse is tested or a character may choose to voluntarily snap out of it by reducing their Morality by 1 as they rationalize what they have done. Doing so will remove all accumulated stains thus far.


Examples of Stains
 Accidental or minor violation of Tenet or Conviction  +1
 Intentional violation of Tenet or Conviction  +2
 Gruesome violation of Tenet or Conviction  +3
 Blood bonding a mortal  +1
 Embracing a mortal  +2
 Touchstone damaged  +1
 Touchstone damaged by your actions  +2
 Touchstone destroyed  +2
 Touchstone destroyed by your actions  +3
 Stains incurred while upholding a Personal Conviction  -1 (or more)



Roll a number of dice equal to the unmarked boxes between your Morality and Stains to a minimum of one. Only one success is needed for a character to have suffered enough regret to retain their current Mortality. However if there are no successes the Beast has won and a point of Morality has been lost. Either way, remove all stains for tomorrow is a new night.


The Downward Spiral

Vampires are monsters, have no doubt, and even a Kindred with the most noble of convictions is often at war with themselves trying to be something more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Nonetheless as convictions and morality erode it not only becomes difficult to stay on the path, but as a vampire degenerates they begin to actively pursue the acts and behaviors which make them feel unshackled by the chains of one’s principles. It is in every vampire's nature to seek the chaos and wild abandonment of the beast within that is an integral part of who the vampire has become. Every vampire will inevitably encounter that moment where they have come back to their senses with the body of someone held in their hands or the pieces of something destroyed that they did not mean to harm. This harm does not necessarily need to be murder or destruction and can take many forms from cruel violence to verbal, physical, and emotional outbursts, vindictive acts of destruction as well as sexual assault on the people and things we hold most dear. Such are the terrible consequences of losing hold of one’s own principles and system of morality and embracing the beast that constantly lurks just beneath our conscious thought.

It is therefore important to know how vampires tend to change as their system of morality begins to erode and crumble out from under them. As their morality scores deteriorate there is less and less which connects them with their origins. A vampire’s behavior can become so utterly depraved and alien that the very thought of them causes discomfort in others.




Morality 10

Individuals with this score are incredibly rare. At this level, mortals and Kindred alike lead an existence that is the epitome of their own convictions. An esteemed icon who not only exemplifies the tenets of their beliefs but also practices them both in public and in private and succeeds at it. These individuals are so renowned for adhering to their structured lifestyle that often, those who witness such behavior are inspired to become better people and examples of their own structured and unshakeable truths. The slightest misstep that causes one or even those around them to question just how dedicated they might be is enough to begin a fall from this state of grace. Morality 10 vampires can appear human in other regards.
  • Blush of Life is not necessary, because you appear as a pale mortal in good health.
  • You heal superficial damage as a mortal, in addition to vampiric mending.
  • You can taste, eat, and digest food as if human.
  • You can stay awake during the day as if you were human though you do not lose your normal
    need for sleep.
  • The rate of sunlight damage you take is halved.
  • The Beckoning is distant in your mind reducing the effect by 4 stages.

Morality 9

Kindred with morality scores this high tend to be paragons among their kind and often are seen as an authority on a well-managed and maintained existence. They seem as if every behavior or act which they perform is simply a natural thing for them and in fact, it is. Seen as paragons of self-control, these Kindred often become renowned among their kind and others for their ability to control the whispers of the beast in their mind and maintain a stable sense of order not just for themselves but for those around them. Often these individuals are looked to as leaders, or spiritual guides who are capable of guiding others off the failing paths they may have taken in their own lives and helping them back onto one of structure and adherence to their own set of guiding principles. Morality 9 vampires can appear human in other regards:
  • Blush of Life is not necessary because you appear ill, but not dead. You may use Blush of Life to appear in good health. If you do, roll two dice for your Rouse Check and take the highest result.
  • You heal superficial damage as a mortal, in addition to vampiric mending.
  • You can taste, eat, and digest rare or raw meat, and many liquids.
  • You can rise from day-sleep up to an hour before sunset if you wish and likewise stay awake an hour after dawn.
  • The Beckoning is muted when compared against your convictions, reducing the effect by 3 stages.

Morality 8

You have been on a strong and unshakeable personal path of growth for many years. This path has helped you to avoid the worst of the pitfalls that the beast attempts to coax you into. You are still prone to making mistakes as everyone is but the difference between them and you are that you will often try to mend the bridges you have burnt or make amends for the pain you have caused. It is important to you to stay true to your convictions and ensure that you adhere to the path you have set yourself on to avoid the worst of the darkness within you. Morality 8 vampires can appear human in other regards:
  • You can roll two dice for the Rouse Check to use Blush of Life and take the highest result.
  • Blush of Life allows you to have sexual intercourse and perhaps, even enjoy it.
  • Blush of Life allows you to digest and taste wine.
  • You can rise from day-sleep up to an hour before sunset if you wish.
  • The Beckoning has less hold in your thoughts reducing the effect by 2 stages.

Morality 7

Most beings have a morality score of 7 or so; vampires at this level of morality can usually manage to pass for mortals. Vampires with morality scores of 7 are what is generally seen as a-typical individuals among normal, polite society. Mistakes are made and you accept that, but honestly, there are some things which can just as easily be overlooked. Especially if you are just having a difficult day, right? Besides, wanting to let loose and be a little wild never hurt anyone, everyone does it from time to time so why shouldn’t you? You still feel a solid connection with other individuals and will make sure that you do well by them though more than a little selfishness shines through but that just makes you like everyone else, mortal or not. Rules for morality 7 vampires are much the same as with most other vampires:
  • You must make a Rouse Check to use Blush of Life.
  • You cannot have sexual intercourse per se, but you can fake it by winning a Dexterity + Charisma test if you wish (Difficulty equals your partner’s Composure or Wits).
  • Unless using Blush of Life, food and drink makes you vomit; make a Composure + Stamina test (Difficulty 3) to be able to get outside or to a bathroom first.
  • The Beckoning has less of a hold on you reducing the effect by 1 stage.

Morality 6

You have realized after many hard years that people die and stuff breaks, it is not your fault, at least not all the time. Drinking blood is just a fact of un-life and you need it to survive so you do what needs to be done to get it. While you certainly do not go out of your way to wreck things or make life difficult for those around you, you have accepted the fact that mistakes happen and today just was not the day for you to be messed with. While you are not viewed as some horrid creature at this stage you also will not win any prizes for congeniality either. Vampires at this stage of morality work as previously listed except as noted, as the mask of stability becomes more difficult to hold in place.
  • You cannot have sexual intercourse per se, but you can fake it by winning a Dexterity + Charisma test if you wish, made at a one-die penalty to your poll (Difficulty equals your partner’s Composure or Wits).
  • Even when using Blush of Life, you need to make a Composure + Stamina test (Difficulty 3) to be able to keep food and drink down for an hour.

Morality 5

At this point, you have been around the block. Most neonates and some ancillae fall into this range. You have internalized your pain and anguish and have come to accept it as part of existence. You do not particularly care about others, except for pets and Touchstones and the like. After all you’ve fallen far enough into your own pit of darkness, so why bother? You are selfish and your morality is easily pushed aside when it suits you. Lying, manipulating, or just plain detachment is a regular occurrence and the guilt you may have felt for going against your convictions is becoming easier to just push aside and ignore. You may have even begun to manifest minor malformations or physical eeriness such as an unnatural hue to the eyes. Rules for this level of Morality work as the previous rating unless otherwise noted:
  • You suffer a one-die penalty on rolls to interact with humans. This penalty applies to most Social dice pools (including tests for interacting with Touchstones), especially Insight and Persuade, but not to terrifying Intimidation, inhuman Subterfuge (Seduction), or to any test to hunt or kill someone else. This penalty also applies to creating art or other humanities; for example, Kindred prose markedly worsens and becomes more florid as they degenerate.
  • Even with Blush of Life, you cannot have sexual intercourse per se, but you can fake it by winning a Dexterity + Charisma test if you wish, made at a two-die penalty to your pool (Difficulty equals your partner’s Composure or Wits).

Morality 4

The convictions you once held in high regard are now, more often than not, completely forgotten. Sometimes people just need to die, things need to be destroyed so that you will be better understood. You do not particularly care about anyone else, except for pets and Touchstones and the like. After all, you are never going to live up to who you had thought you were, so why bother? Breaking your own oaths and making choices which jeopardize your convictions has become second nature to you. Whatever it takes to get what you want and everyone and everything be damned. Just as the elders who have ignored entire civilizations burning. The ideals which you used to hold in high regard have all but vanished and it is with only the barest shred of hope that you continue to hold yourself to some kind of structure to guide yourself. You have gained physical changes that mark you as much closer to the beast inside such as an “ashen pallor” that shades more firmly into “corpse-like”. Rules for this level of Morality work as the previous rating unless otherwise noted:
  • You suffer a two-dice penalty on rolls to interact with humans.
  • You can no longer keep food and drink down, even with Blush of Life.

Morality 3

At this level, cynical and jaded describe you on your best days. You callously step over anyone and anything, stopping only to indulge a new hobby for the sake of cruelty. Pragmatism has taken over for ideals, killing witnesses regardless of their involvement or knowledge is the best plan in any situation that could benefit you. You have become something so far removed from who you had begun life as and it does not bother you in the least. The trivial matters of Morality or some code you had held yourself to have not helped you so far and it will not by returning to it now. If it were not for your pets and Touchstones, you may have already given yourself over to the vilest of actions. Your morality, so far removed from you, is your Touchstones which are the only things capable of grounding you any longer. You genuinely look monstrous, even under the most flattering light. Rules for this level of morality work as the previous rating unless otherwise noted:
  • You suffer a four-dice penalty on rolls to interact with humans, as above.
  • You can no longer perform or even fake sexual intercourse, even with Blush of Life.

Morality 2

Nobody and nothing count but you. Fools try your patience; worms attempt to take your belongings or attention; mortals have become nothing more than meat sacks that get in your way when you are not devouring them. There are now only servants and feeding stock and everyone who crosses your path had best quickly determine who they are before you do it for them. You do have your hobbies of course – immortals need hobbies. Twisted pleasures, decadent whims, atrocities, perversions, callous murder, mutilation – so much to do, so few hours of the night in which to do it. The convictions which have held your mind together have long since gone to the wayside and it is now only a farce of what you used to be tempered by the horrid desires of your inner beast that hold you together now. Pets, regardless of kind, are merely resources to be exploited now and it is only by the grace of the Touchstones which you have somehow still managed to hold onto that you still retain even the barest hint of who you used to be. By now, every human and most Kindred recoil from your presence, all the better that they fear you, none of them matter anyway. Rules for this level of Morality work as the previous rating unless otherwise noted:
  • You suffer a six-dice penalty on rolls to interact with humans, as above. (The penalty becomes four-dice with Blush of Life.)

Morality 1

You have become only nominally sentient; you constantly teeter on the edge of oblivion. Little matters at all to you, the least of which are the convictions that once made you who you are. Even your own desires for sustenance and rest are, at times, secondary concerns. You have practically lost your grip on sanity and the transformation into a beast of pure instinct is nearly complete. The only thing standing between you and your final apotheosis are your Touchstones. Only a few tattered shreds of pure ego stand between you and complete devolution. You need no speech, no art, nothing but gibbers and splatters of dried gore to keep you company and it is likely that your touchstones have become part of the gore or have fled. Rules for this level of Morality work as the previous rating unless otherwise noted:
  • You suffer an eight-dice penalty on rolls to interact with humans and even the most depraved of vampires, as above. (The penalty becomes five-dice with Blush of Life, but who cares? Certainly not you.)

Morality 0

At last sweet oblivion. The beast has been held in check for far too long and has finally won the last battle for your soul. Your last urges express themselves in a final Rötschreck called the wassail (see Losing the Last Drop, p. 241 of the V5 Core Book). A puppet of the Blood, you are a wight, under Storyteller control forever.